The last weeks of 2024 and a new project begins: Build two bodies. One for 4/4 B1943 and a second for a +4 5006. The +4 was originally a high body roadster and it is being rebodied as a low-body roadster similar to the+4 Competition model of the late ’60s. And so we begin.
trial fitting the as-received partstrial fitting the as-received parts
Latest progress B1943
Finished Body Tub
Latest progress 5006
Cowl and valences fitted and aligned.
Making and Assembling the Ash Body Frame for B1943
Drill wheel arch per originalSpend 45 min making fixture to cut wheel arch ends (10 min to do the cuts)first pass: trim to 15/16″First pass completeSecond pass: Rabbeting arch endsLocating Spare tire rack using template from original. bolts are temporaryadditiional parts located and gluedadditiional parts located and gluedBolted togethernew shoes finishednew package tray frame/spare frame and a few other bits completeNew top rear crossglued,screwed, and drilled in final chassis locationcheck fit rear panelRemove sill for patternfour sills in workSills installedPatterning top sideTop sides installedthresholds in workthresholds in workdoor posts in workhinge posts in workThresholds shaped, temp installed, preping for morticing jamb postslet side threshold/rear post permanentright side fittedright side door post and threshold permanentDoor hinge posts fittedmade four front uprightsparts in workparts in workright side ready for glueglued/screwed/permanentStriker and dovetail cup fittedscuttle fittedready for final fairingbasic frame almost finished, less misc. details (wrong date, 19 Jan)basic frame (wrong date, 19 Jan)wood frame complete less doorsready for metal
Now moving on to +4 5006
Note: Most of the wood pieces were fabricated coincident with 4/4 B1943.
fabricted new door post bracketsConverting a 4/4 firewall to +4 configuration.+4 firewall finishedfront wood fitted, temp screwsupper door posts doneleft side fitted and temp screwedright side fitted and temp screwedfirst fit of +4 topwheel arches glued/screwedtrimming wheel arches on fixturethresholds and all aft permanentmore parts glued. Right side original sheet metal used for patternquarter framing in workquarter framing in work
More firewall fiddling:
The factory supplied firewall for a 4/4 was found to be oversize in both height and flange width but 3/4″ narrow where it fits into the chassis.
patterns to compare to originalOversize top and flange sides but narrow at chassisafter a little cutting; a little stretching…
ON to Sheet Metal
making new sides for existing scuttle tops+4 scuttle with new sides welded onlower wing line routed and scuttle fittedpackage tray rear panels rust ground off and metal preppedPackage tray rear panels installed both carsmaking/fitting new wood to fit +4 scuttle rear panels in workscuttle sides welded on B1943rolled wire hems completefitting rear panels to bodiesMetal Ready prep and finish paint insidesfinal instalation in workwheel arch rear trim finished5006 rear panel and wheelarch trim finishedB1943 rear panel and wheelarch trim finishedrough cut quarter panels in place both carsB1943 quarter panel in workB1943 quarter panels finishedB1943 quarter panels finished5006 quarter panels in work5006 quarter panels finishedB1943 test fitting original bonnetscuttle attached, bonnet fitbonnet/cowl fit left sidescuttle attached, bonnet fitbonnet/cowl fit right side5006: making new door posts5006: new and rewoked wood to fit +4 scuttle+4 scuttle/dash structure/door posts completed+4 scuttle/dash structure/door posts completedlower filler panels in work5006 wood/scuttle in work5006 wood/scuttle in workoriginal panel used as pattern for rear deck holesB1943 lower filler panels installed5006 lowe filler panel in work5006 Spare tire underpanel fabricated
And Doors
Door wood in workB1943 door hinges fittedB1943 Door framing in workB1943 left door frame finished , right in workB1943 right door frame finishedB1943 left door and door facing in workB1943 Doors in workB1943 Left door fittedB1943 Right door fittedB1943 Door and drip edge completedB1943 Door and drip edge completed
B1943 Body Tub Finished
Spare Wheel underpanel and Rear DeckRight SideLeft SideLeft side from front